Monday, October 17, 2011

Writer's Bill of Rights

I have the right to write as every writer does so here is my version of a writer's bill of rights--many of these ideas are universally found in books about writing:
1-I call myself a writer because I simply write;
2-Blocks will happen and stack up like a tower constructed by a toddler and that is okay; the tower will eventually fall and provide a new foundation for the next project;
3-Write no matter what--no matter what nonsense may come out; one famous writer (can't remember) stated that it takes a minimum of a million words of crap until something is productively achieved;
4-I'm blank now--Inner Critic arguing with Inner Censor;
5-We all have some form of an Inner Critic an Inner Censor and the only way to turn down the volume is to write them into silence;
6-Pause, Breathe, Focus;
7-Write with your heart and soul;
8-Write often and daily;
9-I have the right to my own words, views, and opinions;
10-I have a right to privacy as well as the right to share;
11-I have a right to fill my creative well by spacing out, meditating, walking, or simply doing something because it brings me joy;
12-I have a right to detest revisions;
13-I have a right to notify my understanding family that this is "Writing Time";
14-I have a right to my insecurities as well as my self-confidence;
15-I have the right to revel in the "squirms" ( the squirms is a term for writer's block that Ayn Rand writes about);
16-I have the right to set goals and revise them as I trudge or soar along;
17-I have the right to my ambitions and reminding myself a "master piece" isn't born overnight.
18-I have the right to publish this piece on my blog.

Writing myself out of this block

I'm 36 years old and have the goal to publish something by the time I am 43--don't ask; that number comes to mind.
I have faced writer's block several times in my life and this time I can identify that I am just stressed out from daily living--working full time, parenting a 6 1/2 year old (David is a huge help with this we really are 50/50 in our parenting team), keeping up a household so it doesn't look like a FEMA site.
Ready for this glacier to melt so I can find the treasure; of coure I don't want to drown and get sucked in the undertoe of should of, would of , could of.
Blogs are a great way to express ideas and peer into the world of anyone around the world. I had a blog at wordpress for two years and the page went kaput. Luckily I was able to retrieve most of what I wrote and sent copies to two different email addresses. I would have died if I lost that two years of writing.
So, here I am. Writing myself out of a block. Shedding my insecurities. If anyone has any suggestions of how they write themselves out of the block, please share.